Welcome to American Group for Managing Educational Projects AGMEP, we have been responsible for planning, organizing, controlling, and coordinating accreditation processes & procedures in various training sectors.

We provide the leading quality mark in professional training, which is used by trainees, institutions and public community as a guarantee of standards, set forth, worldwide. Awareness of the AGMEP'S affiliated organizations and body members is presented on this website.

On the relevant AGMEP website, you will find the latest information, updates, and documentation required for achieving certification and / or accreditation, along with detailed provided programs, services and support.


  • Promoting deep institutional engagement with issues of training effectiveness and student learning and developing and sharing good practices in assessing and improving the teaching and training process.
  • Developing and applying Standards to review and improve training quality and institutional performance and validating these Standards and revising them through ongoing research and feedback.
  • Promoting within institutions a culture of evidence where indicators of performance are regularly developed and data collected to inform institutional decision making, planning, and improvement.
  • Developing systems of institutional review and evaluation that are adaptive to institutional context and purposes, that build on institutional evidence and support rigorous reviews, and reduce the burden and cost of accreditation.
  • Remoting the active interchange of ideas among public and independent institutions that furthers the principles of improved institutional performance, educational effectiveness, and the process of peer review.
  • To signify that an accredited institution has met the AGMEP Core Commitments to Institutional Capacity and Educational Effectiveness and has been successfully reviewed under AGMEP Standards.

Regional Accreditation
Institutional Accreditation
Professional Accreditation

Regional Accreditation

Regional Accreditation is a form of AGMEP accreditation that involves a comprehensive review of all institutional functions. Regional accrediting organizations do not accredit individual programs, although new programs are actively reviewed through the substantive change process. Voluntary, non-governmental, institutional accreditation, as practiced by AGMEP and other regional commissions, is a unique characteristic of American professional training. Accreditation is granted at the completion of a peer review process, and assures the educational community, the general public, and other organizations that an accredited institution has met high standards of quality and effectiveness.

Institutional Accreditation

A second type of institutional accreditation focuses on institutions in specialized areas of study. AGMEP currently supports these following accreditation areas through its specialized affiliated agencies

Professional Accreditation

A third type of accreditation is specialized or professional accreditation, which focuses on programs in a specific discipline within an institution but does not evaluate the entire institution.

Specialized accreditation exists in the fields of professional training, law, healthcare, industry, business, economics, management, political science, humanities, and more than 90 other disciplines.

Most specialized accreditation committees require regional accreditation as a foundation for their reviews and as assurance of the fiscal integrity and health of the institution.

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