Professional fellowship is a degree awarded to experienced candidates after their previous education and acquired experiences are tested and assessed by a competent committee. We have developed a system that depends on the testing, assessment and equivalence of the candidates' acquired experiences, and on the measurement of the extent of the candidates' proficiency and experiences. The professional assessment requirements are different for each candidate based on the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) to obtain a fellowship degree in the professional knowledge and experience documentation. There are many people who acquired work experiences and did not have the chance to study academic majors in the universities in line with their careers and businesses as a result of certain circumstances. They face a problem of a deviation in specialization or a major conversion with no evidence of their academic specializations with recognized academic certificates.

Other people started working after their university study and became highly experienced; however, there is no document proving such experiences but through letters of experiences sent by their employers, which are often local not global businesses.

The professional degrees complete the global education system. They are comprehensive and complementary for all specializations. Professional degrees are the best solution for this group of people to fill the gap between the academic specializations and professional specializations through the professional fellowship that awards the candidates globally acceptable and recognized certificates indicating the documentation and accreditation of their academically and innovatively acquired experiences and skills. This lets them move to global organizations and businesses at better degrees and rewarding salaries.

Fellowship obtainment conditions:

  • A candidate needs to have a work experience of no less than ten years in the required specialization field.
  • A candidate must speak at least two languages.
  • A candidate must be a business manager or a head of a department with no less than five employees.

Fellowship degree beneficiaries:

  • Owners, directors, department heads at the educational and training institutions, university lecturers, trainers and instructors.
  • Directors and department heads at banks and accounting, auditing and insurance companies.
  • Physicians, pharmacists, nurses and medical test centers.
  • Directors and department heads at companies, governmental and private institutions and associations.
  • Judges, lawyers, counsels and retired officers.
  • Engineers and engineering, industrial and vocational company managers.

Fellowship obtainment benefits:

  • Candidates will have higher positions in their career and improve their social and literal situations.
  • People with experience who did not have the chance to have an advanced practical degree will upgrade their professional level.
  • The possibility to change a specialization based on the work experience.
  • A new generation of practically experienced leaders with a strong academic background will graduate to help developing the labor market.
  • The candidates' acquired experiences will be documented and appreciated in global academic manners.
  • Your certificate will be officially listed on the commission's websites as per specialization.
  • You will get the recognized mark so you can include it in all your communications and personal and formal profiles.

Procedures for fellowship degree obtainment:

  • To fill and sign a fellowship application form.
  • To attach all academic certificates, work experience certificates and training course, conference and seminar participation certificates.
  • All documents attached by a candidate will be checked and assessed by a competent committee.
  • A competent employee will follow up with the candidate via the official e-mail or over the phone to complete the papers in case additional documents are required.
  • A congratulation letter will be sent to the candidate in the event of agreement to award a fellowship certificate by the assigned committee.
  • To pay the fellowship certificate fees.
  • To issue and send the fellowship certificate and card to the candidate.
  • In case the certificate is required to be attested by the US Government authorities, they will be attested after the attestation fees are paid, and the certificate will take 21 business days to be processed and delivered to the candidate.